The field of Medicine as we know it today is not working effectively. We are faced today with rising medical costs and medical bankruptcies, large increases in chronic and debilitating illnesses, and an increasing number of U.S. businesses that are laying off large numbers of employees, many of whom have health insurance plans as well. In addition, many hospitals and healthcare systems face financial challenges, under constant pressure to reduce costs while improving quality and maintaining a strong workforce.
Live Work Play Sustain Care is a for-profit social enterprise that provides critical pathway consultations that identify problems as well as offering solutions to these problems that are increasingly being faced by major medical institutions. The purpose of these solutions is to increase revenue for healthcare institutions, so that quality health care continues to be available to the general public, employer-based health care plans, and to the growing number of people today who are on Medicare.
L|W|P|S|C offers a systematical blueprint of how we live, work, play, sustain and care, that can be applied to improve healthcare. This is achieved by creating a new synergistic platform which will move our clients forward from outdated procedures and thought patterns into a dynamic world resonating care and wellness.
The L|W|P|S|C blueprint will enable health care institutions to become known as centers of excellence in their respective communities. Places where employees feel empowered with a sense of joy and fulfillment by working in buildings that are designed to allow creativity and improve both employee and patient health. This is achieved by open work spaces that integrate with nature.
In these ways, our modern medical institutions can regenerate medicine so that it is healthy again. This is a legacy gift that will be left for the care of future generations.